1.18.2 / (Addon) Firmalife / Cellars


The Cellar is a multiblock device controlled by a Climate Station. The Cellar multiblock's only requirement is that it be in an enclosed area surrounded by Sealed Bricks or Sealed Brick Doors on all sides. The Climate Station must be placed on the first level of the cellar, touching a wall.

An Example Cellar

Multiblock: firmalife:cellar

This is just one of many cellars that you could make!


Beeswax is obtained from Beekeeping.
Cellars are used for Aging Cheese.

The cellar is used for food preservation, for example by using Food Shelves and Hangers. The cellar performs better in environments with cooler average temperatures for food preservation. Below 0 degrees, decay modifiers work slightly better. Below -12 degrees, they perform much better.